Wednesday, October 04, 2023

(almost) everyone has pronouns in their signature... and nowhere else

In many larger organizations these days, almost everyone includes their pronouns in their email signature except, of course, those who ("against the rules") do not even have an email signature! 

But aside from that, I've noticed that almost no one ever mentions pronouns. A few do list them with their videoconferencing "name", but not too many. But for when introducing oneself at regular meetings, I never hear anyone say things like, "I'm Rob. My pronouns are he/him/they. I'm a communications specialist..." The exception to this, logically, is events and webinars related to diversity and inclusion, where the presenters frequently include their pronouns and invite attendees to share a bit about themselves, including pronouns if they wish, in the chat.

Here is my broad perspective on this: Once an organization allows pronouns in the email signature, most people will add them. Some will be keen on doing so, others will add them because it's somewhat expected. But that's where it ends. 

"One and done."

Other ways of sharing pronouns stand out more and require more of a commitment to diversity. It takes a bit of courage to state one's pronouns in a meeting, especially when the meeting organizer or chair does not model this and no one else is sharing. It takes a bit of courage to include pronouns when meeting someone new in person. And that just takes more commitment than many seem to have to D&I. Add pronouns to email signature, click Like on a few D&I posts, and we're good...

The reality too, is that for cisgender people, whether or not they share their pronouns generally makes no practical difference -- they will be addressed correctly in the vast majority of cases.

And if it's hard for cisgender people to share their pronouns - cisgender people who are not at risk if they would share their pronouns --  imagine how much harder it is for a transgender or non-binary person to share their pronouns when no one else is doing so... and for them, correct use of pronouns really does matter.

This coming week, give it a try - include your pronouns when verbally introducing yourself to others!

Check out this post for a helpful tip for making this easier!

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