Friday, January 18, 2013

slippery slope (2)

Slippery slopes seem to be of much concern in the Christian community. Here I'm giving the usual idea a twist... suggesting that it's a problem for Christians because they would subsequently need to learn how to love more people.

For the record, I do believe that as the body of Christ we need to figure out how to love people who are sex offenders. No idea how to do this, but they are possibly the least of the least of these...

What do you think? Whom have you found it a challenge to love?

A few days after scheduling this cartoon post, I came across an intriguing article in the local paper which included the following story:

Here in Canada, in the 1990's, Charlie Taylor, a man who had repeatedly committed sex offenses against children was being released from prison. In the midst of active protests against this man, a Mennonite minister named Harry Nigh and a group of volunteers stepped forward and reached out to him, providing support and accountability. Even though experts had "estimated his likelihood of reoffending at 100 per cent," he did not reoffend in the twelve years from his release until his death.

Circles of Support and Accountability (COSA) grew out of this humble beginning. The practical result of these groups is that many men who are released with a high risk of reoffending end up not reoffending but instead, gain a place to belong, with friendship, accountability, and support (statistics show reduction in offending of up to 83%). Today there are circles in most large cities in Canada, offering care and support.

Read the whole article as published in the Edmonton Journal on January 12, 2013.

Another brief account, this one of a man helped by the Mennonite Central Committee of Ontario.

Note: no connection is intended or implied between the various people groups mentioned in the cartoon.

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