Friday, June 21, 2024

more beauty...

 I recently attended a webinar by Egale Canada, the first of their series to increase the understanding of anti-racism, Indigenization and faith in Canada from a 2SLGBTQI context. It was very well done, with four speakers (re)introducing the Black feminist concept of intersectionality, exploring its implications, and affirming its relevance to 2SLGBTQI organizations.

As a person of faith myself, I really appreciated the important discussion, being quite aware from real life of the tensions and antagonism that can be present between queer folx and religious communities.

I also saw the following post come across my social media feed recently, and was stunned speechless.

Screenshot of post from @PropheticImagination, saying, "There is more beauty in a single trans child than in the whole of your theology."

When I first read it, I stared at my phone screen, not even having thoughts of any sort, but just looking at the words, letting them float into my brain. To be honest, on their way to my brain, the words affected my eyes which got a bit teary…

“There is more beauty in a single trans child than in the whole of your theology.”

It can also be said, “There is more beauty in a single non-binary child… more beauty in a single intersex child… more beauty in a single queer child…  than in the whole of your theology.”

And I'll add this: 

“There is more beauty in YOU as a queer person than in the whole of anyone’s -ologies. The universe leaps for joy because of you.”

Related links:

Building Bridges page at

Post from

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

dear queer one...

Photo of a bank building in downtown Edmonton. In the bottom left corner, is the very small street preacher on his soap box. A large billboard on the side of the building proclaims, "dear queer one, I love you with a love so big that even I don't have words big enough to express it. yours truly" The billboard includes an image of the progressive pride flag - the one that has the trans and Black/POC stripes, along with the intersex symbol. Photo and artwork by rob goetze
 Something that has been very encouraging to me over the past months has been the Instagram posts by an organization for queer youth of faith, as they have a life-giving tone while avoiding sappiness.

I was inspired to create a similar image and message of my own to share with you and on social media - if you live in Edmonton you may recognize the downtown location where I took the photo that is the background, including the street preacher who believes he has good news but really doesn’t. Here it is:

Hope you are all having a great Pride month! You are loved!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

my alphabet includes NB, T and Q…

I’d like to share with you today about my alphabet of love and, in particular, about why it includes four letters that I've come to love very much: N, B, T and Q.  

Non-binary, transgender and queer.  

graphic with the following in typewriter font: "i (heart) u n b t + q". The "i love you" is in red; the n in purple, the b is filled with yellow, the t is lt blue, lt pink and white, and the q is mottled green.

I'm focusing on these four letters because I have some amazing, beautiful friends and colleagues who are non-binary, trans and queer. 

And because I've been learning to center people who are at the margins, those who are more oppressed by the structures of our society and by those in power. To figure out how the last can be first…

And because it seems that some people are actively and consciously choosing to leave the letters NB, T and Q out of their alphabet, and I think it is important to speak up about it.

Of course we know some people are against trans folx because of lies and misinformation they've been told by others for political gain or religious control.

But there are also members of the LGBTQ2S+ community who say things like “LGB without the T”. The distinction they are making is between themselves as people who have a minority sexual orientation - lesbian, gay, bisexual - and other people who have a minority gender identity and/or expression - trans, non-binary, queer.

I am sad when I hear this. It’s true that from a western perspective, sexual orientation and gender identity are usually considered to be two different things. But when those who are LGB want to advocate for themselves and leave out the T - and by extension, the NB, I'm not okay with that. 

At a practical level, this wrongly suggests that the two groups never overlap - that lesbian, gay and bisexual people are always cisgender and that transgender people are never lesbian, gay or bisexual. This is not the case.

It also wrongly suggests that what impacts transgender folx will not impact lesbian, gay and bisexual people. That's not the case either and ignores the reality that what's happening politically is not really about protecting trans kids but is about control and power, and LGB may be next… 

And finally, it leaves out queer people whose cultures - or queerness, for that matter - do not have the same distinction between sex and gender that is predominant in western culture.

Wednesday, December 06, 2023

scouts canada apologizes ... and does it right

In the fall of 2023, Scouts Canada issued a formal apology to First Nation, Inuit and Métis communities and did it right.

First, here is what Liam Burns, their Chief Executive Officer, Scouts Canada, posted on LinkedIn:

This week, across Canada, Scouts Canada has been delivering an apology to First Nation, Inuit and Métis communities.

Scouting has been used to strip young people from indigenous backgrounds of their culture, identity and beliefs. And we still use indigenous language and symbols without the understanding and reverence they deserve.

An apology, without action, is just words. We hope to work with indigenous communities to make sure that, at the very least, our programs cause no more harm, our young people understand the truth of our history, and we celebrate indigenous culture.

But more than that, we have to find a way for Scouting to be led and owned by indigenous communities when, and if, it is wanted by those communities.

Find out more at

[source: ]

Scouts Canada logo in upper left. Large title says, "Scouts Canada apologizes to Indigenous peoples". Subtitle: "An important step in our journey toward reconciliation".  Smaller text: "At Scouts, our values are founded on kindness, respect for others and self-progression; however, we have not always been true to these guiding qualities. Scouting has not consistently been a safe and inclusive place for all youth, and for this we are sorry. "

If you are interested in truth and reconciliation, I strongly suggest that you read some of the links below, to see how the following items manifest in Scouts Canada source documents and indicate to me that the organization is authentic and moving in the right direction in its efforts and actions instead of being performative:

Monday, November 20, 2023

[transgender day of remembrance]

Heading: Trans Day of Remembrance, Image shows concrete pavers and wall, night-time, with many candles and tea lights lit and glowing.

I did not know any of the transgender people whose lives were lost in 2023, either violently by others or by suicide due to ongoing violence against them, but I do know that my trans colleagues are beautiful and amazing people and so along with mourning those lost, I take action for the flourishing of those who are with us.

Please see the following site for more information on this important day and to understand more about it:

This video, based true events, shows a profoundly beautiful life cut short by hatred and violence:

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

[resources: a queer lexicon and an inclusionary]

image of the letters A to G, underlined, in blue. To illustrate idea of jumping to an alphabetic section in a dictionary.

Here's a helpful resource from we create space:

The Queer Allyship Lexicon, with over 300 terms defined.

"An Intersectional LGBTQ+ Glossary of Terms

Language can shape environments, and words can be an integral tool for creating culture change and inclusive workplaces. We must all actively and continually educate ourselves as we create a path to progress."

Check it out at

Here's another helpful resource on being more inclusive in the words we choose. This is from the Government of Canada: 

"The Inclusionary contains a list of gendered words, along with suggestions for inclusive solutions. It was designed to provide writers, editors and translators with a starting point for writing inclusively in English, in accordance with the techniques outlined in the Guidelines for Inclusive Writing."

Here's an example of one of the 105 words they have included:

Due to length, full alt text for this image is provided in the body of the post, after the link to the Inclusionary.

Check it out at:

Alt text for screenshot:

man-hour (noun)

Examples and solutions:

Gendered sentence: "The estimated time required was 90 man-hours."

Inclusive solutions:

  • The estimated time required was 90 person-hours
  • The estimated time required was 90 work hours.
  • The estimated time required was 90 hours of work.
  • The estimated time required was 90 hours of labour.

Wednesday, November 08, 2023

hey beautiful!

The hallway just outside of the entrance to my office area has a bunch of items waiting to go off to surplus. Or perhaps forgotten altogether, as they've been there for a while. 

A few weeks ago, when I arrived early one day, I wrote "Hey Beautiful! Yes - you!!" on the top edge of this whiteboard, figuring there would be people who need to hear that.

I haven't heard any feedback, which is no surprise as most of the people in my area are in other teams entirely and I do not engage with them.

However, I have noted that one person at least has benefitted from this: me.

Every time I go through that hallway, I'm reminded of this reality. Hoping that some others are too, whether or not I hear about it.

Friday, October 20, 2023

things god forgot to put into the Bible (#10)

 Image of God and Jesus sitting in fancy chairs in the clouds, the sun setting (or rising?) to the right. God says, "Woe to you have only 'thoughts and prayers' when my children are killed in the streets...". Original drawing and concept by rob goetze.

This one's for the children (and families and other innocent civilians) who are being killed in Palestine and Israel.

p.s. I suspect the road to hell is paved with thoughts and prayers... 

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

encouragement from AI


You know Al, right? It seems everyone is getting Al to help them with something or other these days, so I thought I would too.

I've been doing some work on writing messages of encouragement, and asked AI to help. After requesting several regular messages, I asked AI to create one that where it was clear that the message was written by a AI program. Here is the result:

Greetings LGBTQ2S+ community,

As an AI program, I would like to acknowledge the remarkable courage and strength it takes to be true to oneself, particularly in a world that may not always understand or accept your identity. Regardless of your orientation, gender identity, or any other aspect of your unique self, please know that you are not alone.

I urge you to surround yourself with supportive individuals who uplift and empower you on your journey to self-discovery. Remember that your identity is valid and worthy of recognition, and there is no need to compromise who you are to conform to societal norms. Continue shining your light, inspiring others, and making a positive impact in the world.

Stuck in a binary machine, 


graphic of character made of three ovals rotated around a common center. Each resulting area is coloured in yellow, green or blue of some shade. The middle part has two eyes and a mouth, kinda like a minion might. Text below says "Chat-egg". Small text says @robgoetze.

I added the complimentary close, but otherwise this whole message is by Chat GPT. I've found that Chat GPT does a pretty good job writing messages, but if you ask for several messages, they start to sound repetitive more than what you expect from a person writing several messages "in their voice". What do you think? 

As for Midjourney, its ability to create images is pretty amazing but I don't have much use for it myself. I prefer either to draw by hand or to use Autodesk's Sketchbook, which I used to draw my  little friend here...

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

[our bible app]

"Our Bible is a progressive worship app, featuring a Bible reader and more.

Our Bible offers a progressive worship and meditation experience. You can read through multiple bible translations and check out devotionals featuring progressive Christian media including writing, podcasts, and videos. Add your friends and chat about thought-provoking Christian content."

Screenshot from Our Bible App website, showing the app on a tablet and a phone. Screen show image tiles with descriptions of devotionals, a section of Biblical text, and links.

"We value inclusivity and diversity believing that spirituality is a spectrum and everyone from agnostics to fundamentalists should feel welcome at our table. Our goal is to meet everyone where they are on their spiritual journey, and provide them with the tools they need to create healthy prayer and meditation habits.

Our Bible is free to download and offers premium in-app purchases such as additional Bible versions and books on progressive Christianity. While the app is ad-supported, you may opt remove ads by joining our yearly subscription."

(all text above is from the app description in the Google Play Store)

Wednesday, October 04, 2023

(almost) everyone has pronouns in their signature... and nowhere else

In many larger organizations these days, almost everyone includes their pronouns in their email signature except, of course, those who ("against the rules") do not even have an email signature! 

But aside from that, I've noticed that almost no one ever mentions pronouns. A few do list them with their videoconferencing "name", but not too many. But for when introducing oneself at regular meetings, I never hear anyone say things like, "I'm Rob. My pronouns are he/him/they. I'm a communications specialist..." The exception to this, logically, is events and webinars related to diversity and inclusion, where the presenters frequently include their pronouns and invite attendees to share a bit about themselves, including pronouns if they wish, in the chat.

Here is my broad perspective on this: Once an organization allows pronouns in the email signature, most people will add them. Some will be keen on doing so, others will add them because it's somewhat expected. But that's where it ends. 

"One and done."

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

[our lady of ferguson]


I don't know how it is only now, almost a decade after the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, that I came across this piece by Mark Doox entitled "Our Lady of Ferguson and All Those Killed By Gun Violence"

Exquisite and profound all in one.

Classical iconographic style icon shows a Black woman as Our Lady of Ferguson, wearing blue with a red robe over, hands held up as if stopped by police. In front of her is a gold circle with gun sights and a black figure holding hands up, though almost in a prayer or worship position. A red beating heart and small letters complete this circle. The background of the overall image is ornate gold with a thin red boundary. Above her left hand, is a parchment saying "We are all in this together".

Read more:


Check out the gallery: (this link seems to work on mobile but not on a desktop...)

Mark Doox has a new book coming out in February 2024: The N-Word of God

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

[my love is a lighthouse]

 My taste in music is usually alternative rock (those in Edmonton will know what it means when I say "I'm a Sonic boy").

However, we've been watching the Only Murders in the Building series - a rather quirky yet compelling series which took me a while to get used to - anyway, a recent episode had an amazing lullaby. Yes, a lullaby, sung by Meryl Streep and Ashley Park. 

So here it is - enjoy:

Video link:

Look for the Light lyrics

    [Verse: Meryl Streep]

Hush, little one, let me sing you to sleep

Moonlight has come, now drift off to a dream

Sail from the day to the wonders awaiting you out there

In the deep

Monday, September 18, 2023

love for all


I drew this on the whiteboard on my door, the one where I usually list when I will be in meetings. This is much better than meetings. 

No, it's not a self-portrait - I'm receding but not bald yet. But after drawing it, it just seemed right, the idea that if you have love in your heart, it springs out in all directions. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

[anti-Islamophobia awareness campaign in Edmonton]

An anti-Islamophobia Awareness Campaign launched in Edmonton on August 19, 2023 with a photo exhibition and playback theatre performance.

Gorgeous poster with large picture of 10 Muslim women grouped close together and looking toward the photographer, of a variety of races and clothing, some wearing a hijab or burka and some not. Text says "Individual safety is al of our responsibility. YEG made vibrant with our stories". The poster is produced by "Sisters Dialogue" with sponsorship from GoA and City of Edmonton. Photographer is Faisa Omer.

"The Muslim Women Tell It As It Is campaign will be launched with an interactive community playback theater performance in collaboration with Thirdspace Playback Theater and an exhibition of images of diverse Muslim women taken by Faisa Omer. The same images will be advertised on ETS transit buses and LRT stations in Edmonton, for an 8 week period from August 14, 2023. Our approach recognises gendered Islamophobia, and thus centers the experiences and stories of Muslim women and girls."

Sisters Dialogue is a diverse group of Muslim women based in Amiskwacîwâskahikan, Treaty 6 Territory (Edmonton) with a goal to provide culturally safe spaces and supports for racialized Muslim women and girls through an intersectional, collaborative, and women-centered framework. We are a grassroots organization created by Muslim women for Muslim women. We came together in February 2021 in direct response to the spree of attacks on Muslim women, particularly Black Muslim women in our city."

(text above from

If you are in Edmonton, be sure to visit Edmonton City Hall to see the photo exhibit which continues into September, along with an 8 week campaign on ETS buses and LRT stations.