Showing posts with label refugees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label refugees. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

[tackling trauma - an online introduction with tools]

Tackling Trauma: 
An Introductory Training Manual for Direct Practice with New Immigrants, Refugees, and Asylees

This is a free, online tool which is intended to give those who are working with new immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers a basic understanding of trauma as it tends to be experienced by this group of people. The topics covered, each in a page or two, are:

Immigration: An Introduction

Why Does Migration Occur?

Who Are Lawful Permanent Residents? 

Phases of Adjustment 

Refugees and Asylum Seekers 

Trauma: An Introduction 

The Injury Mental Model 

Triple Trauma Paradigm 

Vicarious Trauma 

Consequences of Trauma

Monday, December 06, 2021

[lgbtq newcomers to canada: strengthening support and understanding - videos]

Are you in contact with newcomers to Canada? Whether as a volunteer, at your place of worship, or during your daily routine, you likely are in contact, and some of the newcomers (whether you know it or not) will be LGBTQ.

screenshot of three video pages. Text as in titles of video in main body of post. Images show  long haired white female presenting person with multicoloured finger nails, speaking; short haired white female presenting person in green shirt with modern necklace; Black male presenting person with short hair and trimmed beard wearing a blue shirt.

The AMSSA (Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC) website has a series of web videos shot in 2015 focuses on highlighting the issues and needs of LGBTQ immigrants and refugees and provides settlement workers with greater understanding of how to strengthen the support.

The titles of the five videos are:

  • Exploring the Issues Affecting LGBTQ Immigrants and Refugees
  • Exploring Gender and Sexual Identity Affecting LGBTQ Immigrants and Refugees
  • The Journey of LGBTQ Immigrants and Refugees in Canada
  • The Intersection of Immigration and Gender & Sexual Identity
  • Exploring Spirituality and the Role of the Home Culture for LGBTQ Immigrants and Refugees

Wednesday, August 02, 2017

[starbucks as social assistor]

Here's a very interesting article I came across on Fast Company, about Starbucks opening locations in struggling communities as well as military towns, and being intentional about hiring, training, and promoting local people.

Screenshot of top of article with title: "Starbucks is bringing hope - and profit - to the communities America has forgotten" and image of two youth, one drinking a Starbucks beverage.

My initial reaction is to be skeptical -- after all, big corporations are only interested in profit and the bottom line. However, while obviously these stores do have to be profitable, it does seem that they are serious about making a difference.

On a related note, and I say this as someone who works in government, it's quite amazing to see the serious targets they set and how they reach many of them early...

Read the whole article yourself, and comment below!

Friday, September 23, 2016

[“Nobody is ever just a refugee”]

The Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie addressed the United Nation’s World Humanitarian day in regard to the refugee crisis, saying, "Nobody is ever just a refugee".

She also said,
In my language, Igbo, the word for ‘love’ is ‘ifunanya’ and its literal translation is, ‘to see.’ So I would like to suggest today that this is a time for a new narrative, a narrative in which we truly see those about whom we speak.

Let us tell a different story. Let us remember that the movement of human beings on earth is not new. Human history is a history of movement and mingling. Let us remember that we are not just bones and flesh. We are emotional beings. We all share a desire to be valued, a desire to matter. Let us remember that dignity is as important as food.
Watch the complete 8 minute video:

Click here if video does not appear above.