Friday, June 25, 2021

[he drew a circle...]

He drew a circle that shut me out -

Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.

But love and I had the wit to win:

We drew a circle and took him in.

Edwin Markham1852-1940, "Outwitted"

(emphasis added)

image by rob g. to illustrate the poem. Smaller blue circle with blue blob indicating person who "drew a circle to keep me out". Larger pink circle is drawn around the blue circle, and also contains a pink blob with a pink heart - the "we" who drew a circle to include him.

See other posts about moral circles

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

march for peace

Winnipeg in the early 80's was a radical kind of place, and that's where I lived for the high school and two years of post secondary education. 

It was the time of pro-disarmament marches, as seen in this poster which I found while cleaning out the garage this weekend:

I also found the following, which I'd made in 1982 and wore (note the holes for attaching strings - I wore these like a "sandwich billboard") when I went on the Walk for Peace