Monday, November 20, 2023

[transgender day of remembrance]

Heading: Trans Day of Remembrance, Image shows concrete pavers and wall, night-time, with many candles and tea lights lit and glowing.

I did not know any of the transgender people whose lives were lost in 2023, either violently by others or by suicide due to ongoing violence against them, but I do know that my trans colleagues are beautiful and amazing people and so along with mourning those lost, I take action for the flourishing of those who are with us.

Please see the following site for more information on this important day and to understand more about it:

This video, based true events, shows a profoundly beautiful life cut short by hatred and violence:

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

[resources: a queer lexicon and an inclusionary]

image of the letters A to G, underlined, in blue. To illustrate idea of jumping to an alphabetic section in a dictionary.

Here's a helpful resource from we create space:

The Queer Allyship Lexicon, with over 300 terms defined.

"An Intersectional LGBTQ+ Glossary of Terms

Language can shape environments, and words can be an integral tool for creating culture change and inclusive workplaces. We must all actively and continually educate ourselves as we create a path to progress."

Check it out at

Here's another helpful resource on being more inclusive in the words we choose. This is from the Government of Canada: 

"The Inclusionary contains a list of gendered words, along with suggestions for inclusive solutions. It was designed to provide writers, editors and translators with a starting point for writing inclusively in English, in accordance with the techniques outlined in the Guidelines for Inclusive Writing."

Here's an example of one of the 105 words they have included:

Due to length, full alt text for this image is provided in the body of the post, after the link to the Inclusionary.

Check it out at:

Alt text for screenshot:

man-hour (noun)

Examples and solutions:

Gendered sentence: "The estimated time required was 90 man-hours."

Inclusive solutions:

  • The estimated time required was 90 person-hours
  • The estimated time required was 90 work hours.
  • The estimated time required was 90 hours of work.
  • The estimated time required was 90 hours of labour.

Wednesday, November 08, 2023

hey beautiful!

The hallway just outside of the entrance to my office area has a bunch of items waiting to go off to surplus. Or perhaps forgotten altogether, as they've been there for a while. 

A few weeks ago, when I arrived early one day, I wrote "Hey Beautiful! Yes - you!!" on the top edge of this whiteboard, figuring there would be people who need to hear that.

I haven't heard any feedback, which is no surprise as most of the people in my area are in other teams entirely and I do not engage with them.

However, I have noted that one person at least has benefitted from this: me.

Every time I go through that hallway, I'm reminded of this reality. Hoping that some others are too, whether or not I hear about it.