Showing posts with label sex offenders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sex offenders. Show all posts

Friday, November 04, 2016

[when jesus looks like a sex offender]

Hugh Hollowell ministers with the poor in Raleigh, North Carolina. I am quite a fan of his as I've often seen how he embodies in our time the Jesus that I read about in the Bible.

He has posted a story on his blog called "When Jesus looks like a sex offender'. Here's the beginning of the story:
An acquaintance of mine, a man who is a deacon in a local church, stopped by, and asked if he could talk to me.

We sat down in the small conference room at the community center we run.

“What do y’all do about sex offenders in church?” he asked.

A man named Andy had been coming to their church – a nice, successful, red brick, steeple church – for the last few months. He had attended their adult Sunday School, and everyone liked him.  Andy was an older man, in his late fifties, with a short beard and horn rimmed glasses. He was well read, knew his Bible and listened with rapt attention in the service. He was thinking about joining the church, so he scheduled a meeting with the pastor.

“That was when it went south. He told the preacher he was a sex offender, and he wanted to join the church,” the deacon said.

How would your church respond in this situation? How do you feel about it?

Read the rest of the story at

Friday, January 18, 2013

slippery slope (2)

Slippery slopes seem to be of much concern in the Christian community. Here I'm giving the usual idea a twist... suggesting that it's a problem for Christians because they would subsequently need to learn how to love more people.

For the record, I do believe that as the body of Christ we need to figure out how to love people who are sex offenders. No idea how to do this, but they are possibly the least of the least of these...

What do you think? Whom have you found it a challenge to love?