Friday, January 28, 2022

[transforming - book]

book cover. Drawing of a tree with abstract leaf zone in bold colours of red, yellow, orange, blue, on a pale blue background.. Title is "Transforming: The Bible & the Lives of Transgender Christians.

I'm currently reading this book, the first one I've read by a trans author and the first that's about the Bible and the lives of transgender Christians. It's especially interesting in light of a recent panel that I attended on "Being Transgender in the workplace".

Love the book so far! Keep your eyes open for future posts inspired by this...

Find out more at or get a copy from your local bookshop or library.

Austen's site also includes a lengthy resources page and a link to Transmission Ministry Collective:

"We’re an online community of transgender and gender-expansive Christians committed to growing our faith, supporting each other, and healing the world."

The Transmission Ministry Collective offers:

  • text-based chat servers
  • video-based support groups
  • online Bible study
  • workshops
  • extensive resources

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

[tackling trauma - an online introduction with tools]

Tackling Trauma: 
An Introductory Training Manual for Direct Practice with New Immigrants, Refugees, and Asylees

This is a free, online tool which is intended to give those who are working with new immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers a basic understanding of trauma as it tends to be experienced by this group of people. The topics covered, each in a page or two, are:

Immigration: An Introduction

Why Does Migration Occur?

Who Are Lawful Permanent Residents? 

Phases of Adjustment 

Refugees and Asylum Seekers 

Trauma: An Introduction 

The Injury Mental Model 

Triple Trauma Paradigm 

Vicarious Trauma 

Consequences of Trauma