Monday, June 27, 2022

performative allyship... at church

mockup of church bulletin. Title says "Community Church". Image of standard pride flag, followed by text "Everyone Welcome!" Below that are the Sunday service times and related information.

Performative allyship is when your place of worship has an LGBTQ sticker at the door and a Pride flag on their website but it …

doesn't talk about sexuality and gender

doesn't discuss the use of gendered language

doesn't have all gender washrooms

doesn't invite openly LGBTQ speakers to speak

doesn't mention that they perform same-sex weddings

doesn't have clear LGBTQ anti-discrimination policies

And those are just six practical things that are often missed by performative allies...

Now read about the deeper things that many churches are also missing when it comes to actually being inclusive and embracing of queer folx, in my article:

why I no longer believe in lgbtq+ friendly churches

Thursday, June 16, 2022

the queen and the homeless man

You may have read this excerpt on social media of a story about the Queen and someone at the Platinum Jubilee parade.

“Well,” said the Queen to the homeless man at the edge of the parade, “Where do you go from here?”

“I am not sure, your majesty,” the man answered with a tear. “You see I lost my job and my children have all grown up and gone on their separate ways.”

The man continued, “I am now homeless as I have nowhere else to stay.”

“Well, my friend,” the Queen replied to him, “This will never do at all!”

“I too am all alone. You can move into my palace. I’m sure we will have a ball.”

The man looked up and asked, “Will there be something to eat, dear Queen?”

"Of course," she replied, “The biggest spread of sandwiches you’ve ever seen.”

“And cups of tea and crockery that you can drop and I will never never mind.”

The man replied “Your majesty, I accept your offer. You are very, very kind.”

Hmm, you say. Really? The Queen invited a homeless man to come live in her palace?

Sunday, June 05, 2022

a Venn diagram in honour of Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee


Orange circle labelled "Very fashionable" has the name "Laverne Cox" inside of it. Blue circle labelled "Very high ranking official in unrepentant colonizing empire" has the name "Caesar Augustus" inside of it. The circles are positioned to overlap slightly, and in the overlap is the name "QE II" for Queen Elizabeth II. Image by Rob Goetze @robgoetze. June 2022

In the midst of many people celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee - 70 years of being in power as queen -- and celebrations that include Queen singing songs to the Queen -- this is what is floating around inside my head.

Why are we celebrating the long reigning leader of one of the world's greatest colonial powers that wreaked havoc on so many of God's children worldwide through enslavement, exploitation, extraction, actual genocide and cultural genocide?

It seems colonization is hard to kill and hard to repent of, but easy to hide and forget....

Wednesday, June 01, 2022

[imi - guides built for and with LGBTQ+ teens to help you explore your identity and support your mental health]

Here's a great new resource for queer teens, endorsed by the It Gets Better project:

Screenshot of IMI homepage. Larger text says "Welcome to imi. Guides built for and with LGBTQ+ teens to help you explore your identity and support your mental health. Four large tiles offer the choices of accessing topics of stress, queerness, stigma and gender.

imi is a free, digital, science-backed mental health web tool for queer teens to learn coping skills, hear stories from real LGBTQ+ teens, and explore resources that affirm queer identities and boost mental health.

Happy Pride Month to All! 

And especially to the youth -- you are loved and you matter!

Tuesday, May 03, 2022

[my dearest friends project]


Heading: The My Dearest Friends Project. Black background with white chalk drawing of many people with many different disabilities.

Created by DisArt and Oaklee Thiele, the My Dearest Friends Project is an international, disability-led art collaboration archiving disabled stories. The collected stories are featured as part of various exhibits, and the writers are compensated for their contribution. The site includes video and audio resources, and features the amazing drawings of Oaklee Thiele (see image above as an example).

Sections include:

  • Submit a story
  • Demand access, 
  • Exhibits
  • Disability History
  • Youth Resources
  • and more...

I would like to say that the drawings that appear throughout this site are a real treasure, as is watching some of the videos in which Oaklee is creating drawings. The video I watched was descriptive - meaning, along with the closed captioning that captured the words the narrators and speakers spoke, another voice described what was happening on screen. This is something that is not often done, but useful to be more inclusive for those who are visually impaired.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

[strands for trans]

 Here is an amazing resource for transgender folx: Strands for Trans. As they put it:


Haircuts are historically gendered: Salons for women. Barbershops for men. This leaves the trans community feeling uncomfortable, unwelcome and unsure.


Strands For Trans is bringing gays, straights, women, men, anyone, together to create more trans-friendly barbershops and hair salons. Join in and let’s help this community feel welcome.

Image of spinning barbershop pole on black background. Traditional blue, red and white colours on pole have been replaced with light blue, light pink, white, light pink and light blue sequence (the trans colours)

This great site includes videos of people sharing of why this matters and asks people to support the site by approaching their own barbershops or hair salons, as well as through social media. The site also invites shop owners to request a sticker and add their businesses to the map. 

And the map shows 6,000+ listings of trans-friendly salons and barber shops, mostly in the US and Canada but also in other countries. Zoom in to your city, find a marker in your neighbourhood, and click to get details!

Snip of map from Strands For Trans site, showing parts of BC and Alberta. Trans-coloured markers are located at Edmonton, Lethbridge, Kelowna, Vancouver and other cities.
Snip of map from Strands For Trans site, showing parts of BC and Alberta. Trans-coloured markers are located at Edmonton, Lethbridge, Kelowna, Vancouver and other cities.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022



You may have read my previous post about PIE: about being public, intentional and explicit -- three key components to being a faith community that affirms LGBTQ2S+ people. (if you haven't read it, do so first:

I'd like to first suggest that we add an "S" to PIE to make PIES (cuz, you know, lots of pies are better than just one pie): S for Self-Examining >


A community that examines itself discovers those areas in which more change is needed, those aspects in which they could improve how they love and embrace others.

Here's a brief example of a church being self-examining: 

     A church is located in an older building. There is one main women's and one main men's washroom, both outdated and badly designed. The church has begun holding some learning sessions where they asked some of their queer members to share, and also invited speakers from the queer community to come in. After one of these sessions, where they heard that some transgender people feel uncomfortable in public washrooms, some of the members involved in managing the facility got together. "What can we do to make this better?" they asked. They looked around and realized that there was a storage room located behind the washrooms, which could be converted into a single user washroom. Conveniently, the plumbing connections were nearby. "What if we use the whole space, and make it an accessible washroom while we are it?" someone added. The "accessible" stalls in the existing washrooms were unfortunately based on outdated standards for what is considered accessible and in reality, are very awkward.  So they proceeded with their plans and, once the washroom was complete, made sure to post on the church website that the building now has a "accessible, inclusive gender-neutral washroom".

     Now, such a washroom serves a wide range of people: transgender folx who feel unsafe in gendered washrooms, people in wheelchairs, a parent with a child, a person accompanied by an attendant or caregiver. And it happened because they were learning, thinking and examining their church community and facility.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

[the awakeners - Indigenous people with disabilities who are artists]

 "My people will sleep for one hundred years, but when they awake, it will be the artists who give them their spirit back." Louis Riel, Metis Leader 1885. Black background with white text.

"Louis Riel's prophecy is coming to pass! The Indigenous artists are the Awakeners!

That's certainly what you'll witness in this 6-part, 1 hour documentary series in both English and French (12 Eps in total) in which Canadian acclaimed, indigenous singer and song writer, Laura Vinson embarks on a journey to meet extraordinary Indigenous people with disabilities who are artists. Laura's sudden loss of her mentally challenged sister, Noreen, combined with her own challenges with an anxiety disorder, plus the progressive loss of her hearing cause her to have a great deal of empathy and respect for those Indigenous and disabled people who are often underappreciated and underestimated." (from

Read more about this incredible project:

Watch the series here:

Note: at the point of posting, I have finished watching the first episode. I learned a lot and it also challenged some of my unconscious biases.

[periodic table of Canadian Black history]

Black background. Overall layout is similar to periodic table of elements (Initial, name and number). However, instead of elements, each tile has the name of a Black Canadian, their initial, and the year they were born - plus year of death if applicable. Colouring of tiles is based on their profession, with a legend below the table.

Here's a great learning tool - the Periodic Table of Canadian Black History. 
Each tile highlights a Black Canadian in history. The colours of the tiles indicate the profession -- Activists, Artists, Athletes, Entrepreneurs, etc. Hover over a tile to see a popup with picture and short bio. Click on the tile and a separate window opens with more extensive information about that person.

Orange tile "T Tessa McWatt (1.1.1959-)", Purple tile "C Carrie Best (03.04.1903 - 07.24...)", Yellow tile "A Andre Alexis (01.15.1957)" on dark background

Cette ressource est aussi disponible en Français.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022


Screenshot of tweet by @WFarahslt. 18 Jan 2022. Tweet says: "Takiwatanga" is the Maori word for autism and it means "In their own time and space".

When I saw this tweet the other day, I thought to myself, this is an amazing word! How cool that the Maori had a word for people who are autistic. 

Turns out, that the word was created in 2017. While that did surprise me, it doesn't make it any less legitimate. Language is a living thing and in this case, Keri Opai, a civil servant, worked with the Maori disability community to create about 200 words and phrases specifically for mental health, addiction and disability.

About the word for autism, Keri Opai says
"The word I have coined in te reo Māori for autism is ‘Takiwātanga’. It is a derivation of my phrase for autism: “tōku/tōna anō takiwā” – “my/his/her own time and space”."


Read more about how this word came to be in Keri Opai's story (video and text):

Read the short BBC article on this project:

Check out the very cool language glossary, featuring te Reo Maori <> English translations, word collections, plus phrases and proverbs:

Tuesday, February 01, 2022

blacker than...


Ah yes, white as a sign of purity and goodness, black as a sign of evil, badness, corruption. How those words and variations of them are embedded in our language. And for those who are Christians, there are specific verses about this (Psalm 51:7 and Isaiah 1:18 being two key examples) which I've twisted in the cartoon above.

Do Black people want to be whiter than snow?

I doubt it, personally. 

Friday, January 28, 2022

[transforming - book]

book cover. Drawing of a tree with abstract leaf zone in bold colours of red, yellow, orange, blue, on a pale blue background.. Title is "Transforming: The Bible & the Lives of Transgender Christians.

I'm currently reading this book, the first one I've read by a trans author and the first that's about the Bible and the lives of transgender Christians. It's especially interesting in light of a recent panel that I attended on "Being Transgender in the workplace".

Love the book so far! Keep your eyes open for future posts inspired by this...

Find out more at or get a copy from your local bookshop or library.

Austen's site also includes a lengthy resources page and a link to Transmission Ministry Collective:

"We’re an online community of transgender and gender-expansive Christians committed to growing our faith, supporting each other, and healing the world."

The Transmission Ministry Collective offers:

  • text-based chat servers
  • video-based support groups
  • online Bible study
  • workshops
  • extensive resources

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

[tackling trauma - an online introduction with tools]

Tackling Trauma: 
An Introductory Training Manual for Direct Practice with New Immigrants, Refugees, and Asylees

This is a free, online tool which is intended to give those who are working with new immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers a basic understanding of trauma as it tends to be experienced by this group of people. The topics covered, each in a page or two, are:

Immigration: An Introduction

Why Does Migration Occur?

Who Are Lawful Permanent Residents? 

Phases of Adjustment 

Refugees and Asylum Seekers 

Trauma: An Introduction 

The Injury Mental Model 

Triple Trauma Paradigm 

Vicarious Trauma 

Consequences of Trauma

Thursday, December 16, 2021

[family behaviours that increase your LGBTQ+ / Two Spirit child's health and well-being]

"Research from the Family Acceptance Project found more than 50 family accepting behaviours that help protect your lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer-identified (LGBTQ) / Two Spirit child against health risks like depression, suicide and illegal drug use and help to increase your LGBTQ / 2S child's self-worth, health and well-being." (from poster)

"A little change makes a difference in decreasing your child's isolation and risk
and giving them hope that their family will be there for them.

This project has several great posters available for free in PDF, sized for various printing purposes. This image shows a portion of one of the posters. 

Article on this project:

Direct link to project page and posters: